How to call Airtel customer care agents directly.
Hey airtel users, are you trying to call your service provider. I mean are always airtel customer care line on important issues.
Unfutunately you can't reach them. Computer just wasting your time.
It's tIme for you to call call them any time you like to do so.
I have the trick am using to CAll airtel customer care agents directly.
I have been using airtel line, about four years ago. And I also find it difficult to contact there agent directly. Before get this trick.
I have been using this trick since last year, so I decided to share it with you guys today.
It's is simple like ABC, you don't need any USSD code than the one you know.
But this is how you will use it. Hope you have get ready for this??
Now Dial 121 Or 111 then wait small till they said select your language.
If you are Yoruba select Yoruba. If other languages, select it. By there instructions.
Now dial 36 and wait until they said. We will direct you to one of our agent.
Then tell them all what you want to tell them.
Hope you find this easy, if your answer is yes, drop your comment.
Thanks for reading and understanding, hope it helpful.

How to call Airtel customer care agents directly
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